Steam removes games with pornographic content

It seems that in around two weeks Steam is going to remove (some) games with pornographic content, even though those games don’t really contain any of that (officially). The developers of Mutiny have even discounted their game so that people could buy it before it disappears completely from Steam – you’ll still be able to play that game and download it from you account, even though it won’t be in the Steam store anymore.

steam porno, anime, games, hentai

According to that developers the new change violates what Valve Software agreed to before. In fact, the whole Visual Novel genre on Steam is feeling the effects of that decision. Every developer, either big or small, is having their games pulled. The message is clear, if your game contains any kind of anime-inspired sexy themes you’re in trouble while other games like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, The Witcher 3 (seriously) and others stay intact.

This is something that shouldn’t be happening at all, what do you guys think? Where will the anime games go? GOG? Origin?

Update: Turns out that Valve’s plan is currently on hold as they have sent out letters to game developers. By the way it’s probably this website’s fault that this even started. Here they even mention The Witcher 3.

Weird times when you can just watch hundreds of movies with violent killing scenes and weapons but if they show you a part of a woman’s titty it’s the end of the world. Since when is sex worse than violence and killing? What the fuck America?



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4 responses to “Steam removes games with pornographic content”

  1. hunshiki Avatar

    It is bad Steam has betrayed their own promise/word. But it’s good that these junk games are off from Steam. Don’t mean to disrespect the fans, but most were just badly drawn, utter trash ‘games’. It was like Greenlight all over again.

  2. azorek34 Avatar

    I don’t think they are, instead they should add an option for creating an account for kids only, like on Netflix for example, this way they won’t be able to see the “bad” content. Removing things is simply a bad way to solve the problem.

    Not all content is suitable for children and that’s out of the question but removing it for everybody doesn’t make any sense.

  3. Noah Hansell Avatar
    Noah Hansell

    I have to admit that I am kind of glad they will be getting pulled. My daughter is just getting into gaming. As it is, I won’t let her look through the library of games on Steam because I don’t want her seeing some of the riskier anime stuff, let alone having to explain it to her. Considering most of it seems to feature ‘young’ girls, I think Steam is doing the responsible thing.

  4. trancemansion Avatar

    The anime games are so bad and childish, that even if they seize to exist it won’t be a problem even better I support their decision.

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