We proudly present new version of Steam store price comparison script, originally created by tor (thanks!) modified by Zuko.
New features:
- Works on DLCs
- Works on discounts
- Converts prices to your local currency
- Has colors ;-)
Configuration (open up the script with your favorite text editor):
- showYourLocalCurrency – Enables/Disables price conversion to your local currency
- yourLocalCurrency – Your local currency (eg. PLN, CZK and many more)
- yourBaseCurrency – base currency for DLC price conversion
- showTieredEuPrices –If set to true, the script will display prices from both Valve’s price regions, or "tiers".
- showUkPrice – If set to true, UK prices will be displayed (in addition to US and EU prices)
- showAUPrice – If set to true, AU prices will be displayed (in addition to US and EU prices)
- usVat – Adds VAT value for US prices (depending on country)
Script works on: Mozilla Firefox (with GreaseMonkey Addon), Chrome and Opera (but without the colors in the last one).
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