Tag: comparison script
Steam: Comparison Script for Chrome!
Remember the good old comparison script for the Steam store? Now you can download it as a chrome extension, it works smoothly. This should get you ready for the Steam winter sale. Check it out!
Steam comparison script update!
It appears that someone named KindDragon is constantly updating the original comparison script by tor for Steam store. Go ahead and download it here!
Comparison script – Steam Unpowered edition!
We proudly present new version of Steam store price comparison script, originally created by tor (thanks!) modified by Zuko. New features: Works on DLCs Works on discounts Converts prices to your local currency Has colors ;-) Configuration (open up the script with your favorite text editor): showYourLocalCurrency – Enables/Disables price conversion to your local currency…
Comparison Script updated!
Thanks to tor the Comparison Script for Steam store works once more! Download it now by clicking here. Don’t know how to install it? It’s easy just look here (you need Opera, Firefox or Google Chrome).