Picture contest winners! :)

Here are the winners from our latest picture contest. Here we go!!! Patty says thanks to everyone who participated and keep your eyes open for another contest! :D You’ll get your games by e-mail today.

1st Place

Steven Quail (location unknown): McPixel, Serious Sam Double D

1st Place 775251e47c02d723d17c4c4fcf005b5a48ee126a!12306163

2nd Place

Dylan Matthews (picture taken on Bali): Commandos Behind Enemy Lines, Serious Sam The Random Encounter

2nd Place

3rd Place

Barba (picture taken in Croatia):  Painkiller Overdose

3rd Place






7 responses to “Picture contest winners! :)”

  1. Jake Avatar

    I doubt the second one is off the internet because it isn’t even that accurate.

  2. Matt Avatar

    gg this competition is dead everyone get a random picture from internet and won

  3. trancemansion Avatar

    who said jealus i don’t even compete but competition deserves to be fair !!!

  4. trancemansion Avatar

    yep second one is looking to be a web image too…

  5. Anonym Avatar

    The third image is copied to the next page: http://pitomacafestival.hr/2013/05/tam-gdi-zvira-kaj/

    1. Barba Avatar

      but i am the editor of that site and that is my home town and i took those pictures so dont be jealus little twat

      1. cheater Avatar

        editor of that website dont care about steam keys they have bigger stuff to do

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