Category: Xbox One

  • Red Dead Redemption 2 won’t come out on PC?

    It seems that Rockstar Games decided to release Red Dead Redemption 2 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 first, it isn’t all that weird considering they have a history of doing that. The problem is that they might skip PC at all just like they did with Red Dead Redemption back in the Xbox 360…

  • E3 2016 Press Conference time zones!

    The E3 starts today guys, in case you have no idea when, here are the time zones for the following days! EA E3 2016 conference times – Sunday June 12th Europe: 10pm (CEST) West Coast US: 1pm (PDT) East Coast US: 4pm (EDT) Bethesda E3 2016 conference times – Sunday June 12th Europe: 4.00am (CEST,…

  • The Division’s player count dropped 93% since it’s launch!

    I really fucking hated that game after I’ve reached the maximum level. The story part was awful, boring and dull. Coop was somewhat fun, playing with 3 other people is always fun – even if it’s the worst crap, I mean at least you can laugh your ass off. But killing enemies was nowhere near…

  • Microsoft brings some Xbox One games to Windows 10

    Microsoft announced a couple of nice things yesterday, including some games, software and some offers. Check out the list below if you want to know what’s going on! Here’s a quick summary of the event that happened on March 1st 2016: Those who pre-order Quantum Break On Xbox store will get the Windows 10 PC version…

  • Xbox Live down, hackers threaten to completely destroy it

    There was a rumor that Microsoft is about to announce something big today at Mobile World Conference. They did announce Universal Apps for Xbox One but that’s probably not it. Instead of the announcement we have some bad news. Xbox live seems to be having some major problems around the globe at the moment. Microsoft’s…

  • SteamVR Performance Test measures your system’s power

    Hey guys, I have no idea if you are following the latest virtual reality boom around the world but I honestly think that’s just a gimmick like PlayStation Move controllers, Xbox Kinect and Wii sport/move games. Everyone knows they are on the market but no one really plays them more than once ;) Anyway you can…