Tag: cheap
Red Dead Redemption 2 coming to Xbox Game Pass on May 7th 2020!
It’s a really good offer even though GTA V leaving Game Pass on the same day. Unfortunately RDR2 won’t be available for PC Xbox Game Pass subscribers.
Xbox Game Pass 3 months code for €8.29!
Grab the code on CDKeys guys!
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (Xbox and PC) 3 months for only €16.49!
Hurry up and grab the subscription for both your console and PC right here on CDKeys.com!
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 3 months for only €18.89!
If you’re into Game Pass for your console and Windows 10 PC go ahead and extend it now for 3 months, it’s only €18.89!
Gears of War 4 Xbox One/PC €2.29
Gears 5 is almost here, it’s a good time to catch up and play the previous game from the series. It’s available for Xbox One and PC. Activate it on Microsoft Store on your PC or on your console. Get it now!
PREY €5.89 on CDKeys
You can now grab PREY for €5.89, it’s a Steam redeemable key.
Far Cry 5 only £11.25
Grab the key here on GamesPlanet! This is NOT a Steam key.
G2Play: Get Fallout 76 for €34.48
You can grab Fallout 76 on G2Play by clicking here. This is for Europe only. Bethesda launcher not Steam.
The Humble Dystopian Bundle just launched!
Another set of fine games – the minimum pack is worth it alone!
Humble Warhammer Bundle now up!
For all Warhammer fans here it is. The minimum bundle sucks though.
Humble Daedalic Bundle 2018 now live!
Pay what you want for a bundle of games from Daedalic Entertainment!
GamesPlanet: GTA V £12.99 / €14.99 / $17.28
GamesPlanet is on fire lately, first a really nice price on Wildlands now GTA V! Grab it right here, single player is still worth every penny.
Fanatical: LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 best ever price!
The latest Avengers movie is on the top so here’s a nice LEGO Marvel game – lowest price ever! It’s redeemable on Steam.
Xbox Game Pass now ultra cheap on Microsoft Store!
You can now subscribe to Xbox Game Pass (which is also available on Windows 10, just not all titles). Just open up your Microsoft Store app on Windows 10 PC and look for Xbox Game Pass, then activate your subscription by paying something like $1 or €1 or whatever (it’s different in some regions). Read…
Fanatical: 500+ games on sale now!
There’s a huge sale on Fanatical (formerly known as Bundle Stars) – go here to check it out!
Humble Book Bundle: Functional Programming by O’Reilly
The Humble Book Bundle: Functional Programming by O’Reilly just launched on Humble Bundle. Get titles like Functional JavaScript, Learning Scala, and Becoming Functional. Plus, your purchase will support Code for America!
Humble Store Winter Sale now up!
Ha! Totally unexpected to be honest, Humble Store is having a Winter Sale at the moment, pretty much every other store had it in December. Anyway, you can browse the games by going here!
Fanatical: Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Bundle €0.79 (99% off!)
Hurry up! Our friends on Fanatical (formerly known as Bundle Stars) are having a great 99% off sale for Clickteam Fusion 2.5. It’s only €0.79 and works with Steam. Go here and get it! Amazing Features from the Original Drag and Drop Programming Tool: Make your first game in under an hour! No need for…
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Deluxe + Season Pass €9.39 / £7.71 / $11.02
The brand new Star Wars movie is coming out very soon all around the globe. If you’re looking for a cool Star Wars game and want to avoid that Battlefront II bullshittery go ahead and purchase LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It’s either a standard edition key for really cheap or the deluxe edition…
GamersGate: Winter Sale 2017 now live!
Here is another nice sale guys, this time on GamersGate. Check out the details below! Or go here directly. Go Postal for Christmas (why the fuck not?) CI Games on sale. Coffee Stain games on sale. Indie games on sale. Atair classic games discounted. More titles on the Winter Sale page.
Total War: Warhammer €12.59 / £11.12 / $14.99
This deal is really good, even if it’s without the DLC. Grab the Steam key right here.
Weekend Deals (12.11.2017)
Here are some of the best offers for the end of the weekend! Football Manager 2018 – cheapest price worldwide! Games on sale: 37 titles on sale from SEGA & Ubisoft at up to 77% off – click here Hollow €14.09 Special Steam Unpowered 3% off voucher: UNPWR Weekly Sale is up as usual Special Steam…
Indie Legends 6 Bundle now available!
Goats, toast and self-delivering parcels await in the exceptionally rated Indie Legends 6 Bundle, available from today for two weeks! Amazing Star Deals still to come on Thursday & Friday and we’re into the final week of the SUMMER10 voucher code – live until 31st August. What’s in the bundle? 9 Steam legends with an…
A Story About My Uncle – Star Deal $0.49 / €0.49
A Story About My Uncle is currently at 96% off! Grab the deal on Bundle Stars by clicking here.
ARCADE GAME SERIES 3-in-1 Pack €1.99 / £1.40 / $1.82
Arcade games are now cheaper on GamesPlanet. Deals end July 20th at 23:00 BST / 00:00 CEST (July 21st).