Category: Nintendo Wii U

  • E3 2016 Press Conference time zones!

    The E3 starts today guys, in case you have no idea when, here are the time zones for the following days! EA E3 2016 conference times – Sunday June 12th Europe: 10pm (CEST) West Coast US: 1pm (PDT) East Coast US: 4pm (EDT) Bethesda E3 2016 conference times – Sunday June 12th Europe: 4.00am (CEST,…

  • Humble Friends of Nintendo Bundle!

    Hey! There’s a new Humble Bundle for Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, it’s probably the first Nintendo Humble Bundle if I’m not mistaken? Here it is. Also they’ve added OlliOlli2 to the Devolver bundle.

  • SteamVR Performance Test measures your system’s power

    Hey guys, I have no idea if you are following the latest virtual reality boom around the world but I honestly think that’s just a gimmick like PlayStation Move controllers, Xbox Kinect and Wii sport/move games. Everyone knows they are on the market but no one really plays them more than once ;) Anyway you can…